Thursday, October 20, 2011

.......................A great Thursday

Palm Trees?

Okay, so I don't protest to be the best horticulturist in the world...but...palm trees?  along the coast of the Black Sea?  in Bulgaria??  The cluster of trees you see in the center of the photo are definitely palm trees...but...why?  Fake, of course, ...but why put fake plastic trees in such a pristine beautiful spot??  Couldn't they think of a more "natural" way to get man-made shade???   hmm...but...from being in the local shoppes, Bulgarian's are pretty big on fake flowers.

I had a lovely breakfast this morning in Mr Sanchoff's villa (he is the founder of Karin Dom) with an Italian archeologist, a French teacher, 2 Bulgarian administrators from Karin Dom, one Peace Corp worker (Sara)....and a partridge in a kiwi tree!  Actually, I just discovered that kiwi grow on supported vines, much like grapes, and Mr. Sanchoff has a whole slew of them to be picked at the villa.  Breakfast was fascinating....and much too short.
I gave a brief presentation for parents this evening, then had dinner with many of the staff at a local restaurant.  I had my favorite....Thai rice!
I will finish the training tomorrow and head out on the midnight bus for Sophia for the LONG trek home.  I'm really gonna miss this place!

Kindergarten News:
 Hi Friends,
If you lived in might eat olives and cheese at breakfast, sausage (that looks like the letter S) and cold cucumber soup for lunch, and peppers stuffed with rice and meat for dinner.  (or...your mom might just cook you something else).  You probably wouldn't have Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (because they don't sell it here) and children don't eat peanut butter sandwiches.  Oh my goodness....Ellie might starve!

This is the last computer journal entry that I will write to you since I will be traveling tomorrow (Friday) and I will be home on the weekend.  I can't wait to come to school sometime soon and meet all of Ellie's friends.  Thanks for reading this and learning some new things about Bulgaria!
Today's Bulgarian word is....."priyatel" which means "friend."
Goodbye, my "priyatel!"

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