Tuesday, June 21, 2011

............................Happy First Day of Summer!

I just checked the weather....80 degrees at 5:55pm here in CT; at 6pm it hit 81 degrees in Sophia, Bulgaria.  Good to know they are enjoying the same beautiful summer weather.  I wondered what the kids at Karin Dom did to welcome the summer today.  Did they get outside (some with the aid of physical therapists) and try to walk...and climb...and run?  Did they request bubbles...or sunglasses....water?  Or were they happy to park themselves under the shade of the playground slide (and play with woodchips) like many of their counterparts did today at Coltsville school.  What ever they chose...I hope they experienced some of the joy of being a child on the first day of summer!

I am currently preparing letters to ask for corporate donations to help with the fundraising.  If anyone knows of an organization/business/corporation that would like sponsor such a venture, please e-mail and let me know.

Now go outside and enjoy!