Wednesday, October 12, 2011

................................Day two.

                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Russian/Bulgarian Garden Statues

I think, along with the general public, that Mr. Steve Jobs died too soon.  One reason, you may not have thought of...THERE ARE NO FR..ING MACS IN BUGARIA.  I discovered, through the IT person at Karen Dom "there is only one such cable that will connect your laptop to our projector in all of Bulgaria and it will take 3 days to get here."  However, the IT person was a woman....and a clever resourceful one at that....and she downloaded my presentation to a file share on the internet, changed it to PowerPoint from KeyNote and loaded it on a PC.  Yay!  Women rock.  Women in IT...rock a little more today.

I was busy!  Watched children all morning, had a quick lunch and back to training this afternoon.  But, thanks to videos and some great Youtube clips I could share, I think it went much better today.  Bridged from Reinforcement to Discrete Trial.  "negative reinforcement" ...however....I will still not go there.  Tomorrow is Prompting and Friday a day Turkey!

The weather today was beautiful.  The only time had to really enjoy it was between 5 and 6:30.  I took a walk to the market...bought a small azalea on the way.  I couldn't resist the pink blush.  I'll keep it in the apartment while I'm here, then tuck it away in a spot in the garden before I leave.  The garden....I could write tons!!!!  One of my favorite parts of the day was roaming through what one time...was a large, well cared for structured garden, with fruit trees, a vineyard, fountains, statues and arbors.  It has not been kept up in full, but the general structure can still be seen.  I saw an old photo in the building of the estate back in the 1920's with the vineyard along the side yard.  Now, only the area close to the building is kept up, as it would be the work of a full time gardener to restore  (....I'm sensing a calling here!)  I also found a piece of, well, let's call it "junkyard scrap" that I'll be bringing home as a souvenir to have a place as a trellis finial in my own garden at home.

I'm posting a couple of pics for the kids.  One is of the doorway to the school, the other is part of the play yard.    For some reason, I thought it seemed so "Alice."


Kindergarten News!!!
(zdrah-vay)  That means "hello" in Bulgarian.
This is a picture of the door to the school I am working at.  The name of the school is "Karin Dom" which means Karin's Home.  It was named after a little girl who needed a lot of extra help learning to talk and to walk.  Many of the teachers here do just that....they help children learn to walk, talk, play and learn, because those things are more difficult for them.
  I love this picture!!!  This is part of the play yard.  It looks like a "Princessa" chair, with stools all around for her royal subjects.  I can just see Ellie sitting there, pretending to be the Queen Bee!!

(Chow)  which means "Good-Bye!"

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