Monday, October 17, 2011

..........................Day six

Sara's Classroom
I'm writing tonight's update with 45 mi/hr winds, flooding rains and downed tree limbs outside.  ugh!  But it was a fun night....I went to Sara and Aaron's for dinner!  Sara cooked a yummy veggie and cheese dish in an oven crock and chocolate brownies (what's not to love with that combo?)  I also had a chance to straighten out the problems with my return flight (fingers crossed) and watched some of a BBC documentary on Bulgaria's institutionalized children.  At a later date, after I've watched the entire program, I will post the link.  It is very difficult to watch....but for adoptive parents it really drives home (to an extreme) the detriment that institutionalization and pure deprivation can reek on a human being.  Any human being. 

Training went well today.  A lot more discussion.  Funny, but I think some people really sat up and listened after I said, "If you're not taking and looking at data, you're not using ABA."  I'm also now scheduled to speak to parents from the early intervention outreach program on Thursday evening.  They have billed me as "the specialist and ABA therapist from America!"  Sounds impressive at least.
And I don't know if you are following this Andy, (maybe Kathy will send this to you) but I had a speech therapist comment to me today after training that "ABA is a lot like PECS!"  I have been pleased to discover  how professional...caring...and motivated the staff at Karin Dom is.  It is a pleasure to work with will be hard to leave!

The weather doesn't look like it's going to improve until Wednesday...with sunshine through the weekend.  But some schools have already cancelled first shift for tomorrow morning.  Don't worry Cooper, I told Sara to sleep with her pajamas inside out and a spoon under her pillow to ensure at least a late opening in the morning.

Asking for cookies...because I don't want apples!


Hi again friends!
I'm beginning to see some pumpkins for sale at the market.  Some are large and green and some are orange...but I am told the pumpkins here in Bulgaria are much thicker and harder to cut than the ones we have in making jack-o-lanterns is much trickier.  I'm wondering how many of Ellie's friends already know what they are going to be for Halloween...

The Bulgarian word for "paint" (the messy liquid you see here) is "boya."  If you want to say, "I want to paint" then the word is "boyadisvane."

Maybe Mrs. Spellman will let you "boyadisvane" on Apple Thursday!

Caio for now,
Ellie's mom

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